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Latest tracks by Cemtex

Skream Ra Podcast 259

via http://www.residentadvisor.net/


Benga - Smack Your Bitch Up
Redlight vs P Money - Left The Source - DUB
Skream - Indistinct - DUB
Donaeo - Swagger (Skreamix)
Skream vs Rye Rye - BANGBOX - DUB
Skream - Xmas Day Swagga - Tempa
Dismantle - Computation - Wheel & Deal
Benga - Dont Wanna - DUB
Skream - Riggin - Disfigured Dubz
Skream ft Trim - Tweedle Dee Tweedle Dum - DUB
Rossi B & Luca - Police a Cum run (Jakes remix)
Caspa - Hot Shoe Shuffle - Dub Police
Dismantle - Word Dance - Wheel & Deal
Skream - Trashcan Funk - DUB
A-Trak - RayBan Vision (Lucky Beard remix)
Does It Offend You, Yeah? - Wondering (Dirtyphonics remix)
Magnetic Man - MAD (Skream VIP) - DUB
Benga - Any Steppers - DUB
Skream - Where You Should Be feat .Sam Frank - Tempa
Skream - Anticipation feat. Sam Frank - Tempa
Skream - Rollin Kickz (Magnetic Man edit) - Tempa
John Convex - Falling
The Weeknd - What You Need
Prince - Just as Long as We're Together

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fraiere =))


Ti calc


si relaxxxx


1. Emalkay - Fabrication (4:51)
2. Emalkay - Crusader (4:15)
3. Emalkay featuring Baby D - Keep Goin On (4:36)
4. Emalkay - Space Hopper (7:00)
5. Emalkay - Transpose (3:58)
6. Emalkay featuring Rod Azlan - Flesh & Bone (4:28)
7. Emalkay featuring Lena Cullen - The World (4:35)
8. Emalkay - Metropolis (4:34)
9. Emalkay - Why Don’t I Like You (1:44)
10.Emalkay - When I Look At You (4:32)
11. Emalkay - True Romance (4:52)
12. Emalkay - Weapons Of Mass (Exclusive Bonus Track) (6:31)

"debut album Eclipse displays nasty distorted wobbles but as well as some Drum and Bass sounds. Emalkay has been around for along time you maybe remember hearing the popular tune back in ’09 When I look at You that UKF released. He was quiet for a bit, but released gems like Powertool and Fabrication which I posted last week. This guy is much more chill but when it counts to the nasty drop he throws down, always at the best time. Did I mention sexy vocals too?" - da pa net

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Louder :D

o perspectiva

un compromis.. ai idee ca viata poate fi un compromis?

ce e un compromis? e ceva necesar care nu te satisface pe deplin dar la un moment dat e util si binevenit? e ceva corect dar care nu-ti face placere sa-l faci dar tu in sinea ta stii ca e alegerea buna? e singura alegere cand nu mai ai alta optiune si trebuie luata o decizie corecta/incorecta pt tine/ceilalti.. un compromis
COMPROMÍS1, compromisuri, s. n. Înțelegere, acord bazat pe cedări reciproce; concesie. ♦ Înțelegere între două sau mai multe persoane sau state de a supune unui arbitru rezolvarea litigiului dintre ele. – Din fr. compromis.

deci pt a exista un compromis trebuie neaparat implicate 2 persoane; de obicei a-2 persoana, compromisa  nu are idee de acesta decizie, de exemplu compromis se poate numi si cand te futi cu cineva care nu-ti place neaparat dar in situati exceptionale merge, dar exista si posibilitatea ca daca i-ai comunica sentimentele persoanei respectiva toata actiunea sa fie compromisa :) compromisul facut s-a compromis :)) ambiguu
alt compromis mai poti face cu mancarea, nu-ti place neaparat dar foamea compromite totul.
alt compromis faci cand imprumuti ceva(si nu direct) prin cineva.. si acel ceva nu-l mai returnezi, compromitand astfel  si terti implicati.. asta asa ca fapt/
am observat ca mai toate compromisurile sunt legate de functii vitale si situatii critice.
nu mai pun in vorba mariajul :)) un maaare compromis

am mai observat cat de rahat e limba romana cateodata.

COMPROMÍS s. concesie. (Nu face nici un ~.)   
                           adj. v. dezonorat
pana la urma compromisul  face parte din viata, ideea ar fi ca trebuie gandit cand este folosit astfel sa aibe cat mai putine persoane de suferit si sa te compromita cat mai putin.

banala realitate :)

hai cu sembata