Banana Ganja

Pe Banana Ganja toti prietenii mei o stiu,
Ca e ninja si e dura si poarta un chipiu
Ataca seara pe furis si se transforma-n iarba
Ca-i plac fetele ciudate si tipi urati cu barba.

Nu are arme doar un batz, stie sa-l foloseasca
Cand ruelaza neincetat si cu el iarba-ndeasa.
Se amuza cand  observa , ca toti sunt retardati
Dar ofteaza daca vreunu dulce nu-i cumparati.

e galbena si musculoasa ,plina de energie
doar e ninja-n pula mea si stie meserie
dar ca fiecare om are cate-un secret
Atunci cand este luna plina se face un bosket

si noua acest boschet ne palce ca ne binedispune
ca vorbim despre Dubstep si facem numai glume
Dar nimeni din cei retardati nu isi mai aduc aminte
ca Banana Ganja a noasta se ascunde cuminte
Asteptand o zii  candva cand tot ea ne va prinde
Si ne va lovii usor cu un sto fierbinte

haha!!!, ia'ti dubstep moves

Furnicile morocanoase!

A fost o data ca-n povesti, a fost ca niciodata,
Dintr-un musuroi urat..furnica retardata,
ea de munca n-avea chef, ci doar de retadeala,
dar nu facea asta mereu c-avea copii la scoala

Copiii ei mandrii studenti, Cu toti la facultate,
cu iarba-n gat ,la fel ca ma-sa  si cu viatza de noapte,
Se trezesc dupa un timp, putin morocanoase,
ca de iarba proasta multa, lor li se cam luase,

Si iata mama eroina, si cu prietenii ei,
Au iesit la vanatoare, si plina de idei
Stiau ei ca pe undeva, prin lumea asta mare,
Creste o planta minunata, de creierul dispare,

copii toti o asteptau, si plini de bucurie,
ca mama lor sarmana proasta plecase in nestire,
Si ei sperau ca intr-o zii ,ea sa se-ntoarca,
Si cu totii in musuroi, Pula sa se faca.

dar morocaneala asta, de unde dracu apare,
ca mama lor statea usor si se prajea la soare.
Ca de ei uitase tot, doar dracu avea iarba!
Si cu soldateii ei fumau de n-aveau treaba.

Dar iata intr-o zii, oare cine apare?
Este mama furnicutza si cu o mare floaree!
Si toti stateau in musuroi si plini de veselie
nu au mai plecat la munca, ci-au stat la povestire.

Holy fuck it's huge! 4

Iarba noastra creste deasa
Perpendicular pe casa.
Vine calul si o paste,
Alta iarba se dezvolta.

Sugi pula, Ratato !!

PS: Drogy are in laptop filme porno proaste cu buci mari scarboase cu celulita si cu tzatze cu sfarcuri ca oualele prajite ochi.

Buna seara suntem scrum!

Din ciclul Pantera Cu iaurt cu Cilcu va prezentam seara de sambata Mancam ca burghezii si ragaim Keisser Kremsnit Savarina Eclerul.... Red Bowler Dropsuri cu Caramel Parizer Branza topita Pateu Apa Plata Cola Mountain Dew si chestii roz in cartoane(Sto legal) va voi poveti despre inventatorul briketei George G.Blaisdell si al faimoasei sale inventii ce ne salveaza si in ziua de azi.
Mizeria din seara asta fac ca lumea splendida din jurul nostru sa fie excitanta vizionand copii morti pe strada si alte chestii dubioase. Jandarmi, Cocalari si extraterestrii. Acest om a cotribuit la procesul de evolutiei al celulelor ce ne fac sa aprofunzim starea de ceapa pe creier. Cum va intrebati?..Simplu... bagat un fel de gaz intr-o cutie de tabla un scaparici un fitil si o rotitza...ZIPPO oameni buni!
Asa ca tin acest omagiu in memoria omului ce a inventat bricheta in mesajul: "N-ai dat bricheta, te vom iubii mereu"
Pace Voua! luptatorilor like no other

Vineri 20.11 vine JFB la Fabrica (20 lei intrarea):

Pentru cine nu a mai fost la JFB


 daca va place puteti gasi mai multe pe myspace.

Iar pentru cei care mai rezista si de dimineata puteti veni cu noi la afterparty in club RedLime.
Acolo vor mixa pentru noi DJ UkSub, THK si VaL dubstep si d'n'b - intrarea moca, 5lei/bere.

Cat poti sa bei pana crapi




Thanks to Chien.

Un Wii si un prost=Bowling strike

Datura nu te omoara.....Dar distruge chestii.

Pulaaaa in pizdaaaaa daca vreti hardcore bagati-va la asa ceva. Eu am incercat si stiu cum este sa uiti si cum te cheama (deja-vu PDP din Vama).
Chestia e ca nu te ia direct ci usor ca o amorteala ce tinde spre somnolenta.
Feelingul este acela de somn ...dar...:D aici apare haosul pentru ca tu nu dormi :)) ci te activezi ca liliecii.
Claudiu noul nostru coleg de munca cu care am facut prostia asta si cu care speram sa ma distrez sa dovedit un adevarat distrugator si hardcorist tripat. toata chestia asta a tinut cam 6 7 ore asa si nici unul nu ne aducem aminte nimik.. si nici nu vrem pentru ca restul colegilor din caminul P9 ne-au auzit tipetele disperate :))))
Cum am reactionat nu va pot spune pentru ca nu ne-am ilmat sau ceva dar se pare ca ne-am distrat copiooos.

Handicapatu sa razbunat pe laptopu' lu gagicasa o mizerie de Lenovo pt ca nu mergea netu sa bagam muzica deci da e bun pentru relaxare.....Sper ca tipa se distreaza in Galati si nici nu o sa afle pana repara ratatu asta.
Pumnii in ecran nu se includ in garantia produsului

Bodyguardul perfect

Nu poate sa bea bea, nu urineaza, nu se inmulteste!

Se hraneste cu steroizi si se uita la desene animate

This shit is wack...GRIME WAVE

Grime Wave

Grime is the soundtrack of East London. Will it play anywhere else?

Grime figure: East London's Dizzee Rascal. Photo Dean Chalkley. Courtesy Beggars Group Canada.Grime figure: East London's Dizzee Rascal. Photo Dean Chalkley. Courtesy Beggars Group Canada.
Grime is a music that was born in East London, lives in East London... and maybe only makes sense in East London. It is a mutt genre, a bastard blend of street English, Jamaican dancehall reggae and two kinds of rave music: (1) drum ’n’ bass, an electronic party monster built from breakbeats, or loops fashioned from the percussive “breakdown” sections of other songs; (2) a U.K. delicacy called garage, which rhymes with carriage and feels like R&B running a fever. The sum is a fast clatter of syncopated claps, alien chirps and machine bursts. Grime vocalists resemble turbo-charged rappers, racing to match backing tracks that thump about 130 times per minute — near your target heart rate for vigorous physical activity.
Wiley, the musician and party promoter credited with inventing grime, calls it “eski” — short for eskimo, short-hand for emotional coldness. Grime is clean and steely but filthy and ragged, all at once, like battlefield surgery. It is young, rebel music, with more songs about survival than love. Many popular grime artists are teenagers raised in East London’s low-income council estates. Sometimes their performances end in ultraviolence, a tradition carried forward from the garage scene. Grime lyrics are laced with taunts directed at rival MCs; grime concerts are organized as contests, or clashes, between competing crews. On nights with bad voodoo in the air, the clashes can turn to riots.
Lethal Bizzle’s Pow (Forward), grime’s unofficial anthem of 2004, packs 10 vocalists into three-and-a-half minutes of mayhem. One verse, by Neeko, goes like this:
Killa, killa, real, real
N----- know the deal, deal
Don’t care how you feel
I will be cocking back my steel
Straight bullets, bullets
Run, run, fire, fire burn
If you don’t like killa, killa
N---- you can suck your mom
At home, grime spreads via London’s network of illegal pirate radio stations. The music is championed by the U.K.’s hippest magazinesand bloggers. In North America, it has shaken the collars of myriad music critics, generally topositive effect. The media attention, though, has yet to incite a dash to cash registers.
Grime is an underground curiosity in North America, but remains a foreign language to this continent’s mainstream. And that might never change: grime is faster than hip hop, darker than pop and nowhere close to rock. So far only one grime star, Dizzee Rascal — government name Dylan Mills, b. 1985 in East London’s Bow estates — has managed a ripple of retail attention on this side of the Atlantic.
“Music is a living, breathing thing, innit?” the 20-year-old MC/producer/savant says, lounging in his luxury tourbus hours before a Toronto concert that is among the final stops of a North American jaunt that began in Vancouver. Dizzee speaks with a quick, clipped East London accent, hands playing at the upturned hood of a sweater emblazoned with his name and silhouette. “Garage got to the point where it was almost bourgie — suits, shoes. A kid like me couldn’t get into garage raves. So a new wave of music came in. The scene turned really, really lawless. People definitely get shot, stabbed. London, especially right now, is a town where there’s a lot of mad s--- goin’ on.”
In his teenage years, Dizzee was detained for stealing cars and robbing a pizza deliveryman. He was booted from four high schools, but, aided by a supportive teacher, held on at one long enough to learn how to make music on a classroom computer. He soon graduated to pirate radio. Two summers ago, Dizzee was attacked — reportedly by a rival music crew — and stabbed five times at Ayia Napa, a resort on Cyprus that is popular with London clubbers. He made a full, 50 Cent-like recovery. (In London this March, Dizzee was charged with possession of pepper spray. A court battle awaits him at home.)
The Cyprus assault preceded the release of Dizzee’s debut album, Boy In Da Corner, a brilliant, brutal battle cry that went on to win Britain’s 2003 Mercury Prize (for album of the year). His sophomore record, Showtime, followed last September. The former is sharper on the ears than the latter, but it’s like the difference between barbed wire and steel wool. Those albums, along with Wiley’s Treddin’ On Thin Ice (2004) and Run the Road, a grime-star compilation released in North America earlier this year, form the vanguard of this budding genre.
Grime, though, has begun to parallel another, older U.K. export: punk. Rabid fans of both will argue that their music’s best moments passed in obscurity, and that major-label attention — and with it the inevitable pressure to please mainstream audiences — signals the doom of their musicians’ most daring ideas.
Dizzee Rascal. Photo Dean Chalkley. Courtesy Beggars Group Canada.Dizzee Rascal. Photo Dean Chalkley. Courtesy Beggars Group Canada.
Dizzee, for one, says he has outgrown grime’s street scene. He signed an endorsement deal with urban clothier Ecko Unltd. last year, and recently worked with Nike to design a limited-edition Dizzee Rascal running shoe. (He lifts an unworn pair from the tour bus floor: “See, that’s where I grew up,” he says, pointing to the London Underground map printed on the insoles.) He now prefers headlining his own concerts to attending communal clashes, happy to avoid skirmishes with lesser-known competitors: “I’ve stepped out of that world. I’ve got two gold albums in England. I always saw [clashing] as counterproductive anyways. I figure you can get more done working with someone, producing new songs together.”
To that end, Dizzee has refocused his attention on Dirtee Stank, a boutique label he launched before recording Boy In Da Corner. He has signed a handful of U.K. acts he respects — some grime, others merely related — and plans to include them on the soundtrack he is preparing for Rollin’ With the Nines, an action movie currently in post-production. (“It’s the first black British gangster film, like Snatch or one of those — but a bit more serious,” says Dizzee, who has a small acting role as a crack dealer.) “Before I got a record deal, before I was on pirate radio or anything, I used to make tapes and have MCs come around for the fun of it,” he says. “[Running Dirtee Stank] feels like going back to that. I like the idea of finding good music and showing it to the world.”
In East London the typical grime crowd is young, black and male. Dizzee’s Toronto audience is older, whiter and of mixed gender. Most look like hip-hop heads, though a handful of drum ’n’ bass enthusiasts hang near the back — a mix that represents grime’s target audience for North America. The venue (capacity 850) is full but not crammed. DJ Wonder, a former member of Dizzee’s Roll Deep Crew (he was reportedly turfed for fighting with Wiley, the group’s leader), has prepared the room with a 30-minute mega-mix titled History of Grime. It’s a tour mainstay, intended to introduce foreign crowds to Dizzee’s milieu: Kano, D Double E, Lady Sovereign, the More Deep Crew.
The lights drop. A thin, plucking beat begins. Dizzee and a hype man (someone who performs backing vocals and pumps the crowd with suggestions like “Put your motherf---ing middle finger in the air!”) bound onto the stage, red lights bobbing on the bottoms of their wireless microphones. They tag-teamSittin’ Here, the opening song on Boy In Da Corner, and one of the album’s rare slow moments:
Cause it’s the same old story, crazy boys keep getting on my nerves
And it’s the same old story, police don’t give me no peace 
Yeah, it’s the same old story, friends slowly drifting from the ends 

Yeah, it’s the same old story, I’ve sussed, there’s nobody I can trust

Lights up. The music skids to a stop. Dizzee, a cappella, unleashes a torrent of rhymes. His accent makes him hard to follow at the best of times. Here, in a gloomy room with underwhelming acoustics, his voice sounds like a buzz saw.
After that, Dizzee et al. launch into an hour-long set of pounding rhythms. He skips between albums, throwing himself into renditions of Learn (“I come direct when I inject and I’m expecting your respect”), Jus’ a Rascal (“Definitely know I’m real, definitely know you ain’t / So don’t try being no devil, cause I definitely ain’t no saint”) and Stop Dat(“Bad boy forever like Sean ‘Puffy’ Combs / Inside, outside, runnin’ all zones / Set trend, get girls like Tom Jones”). The crowd sings along when it can, though the effort feels like placing a bucket under a waterfall.
Towards the end of the show, DJ Wonder begins cutting in beats from American rap hits: 50 Cent’s Wanksta, dead prez’s Hip-Hop, The Notorious B.I.G.’s Juicy. The audience, back on familiar turf, greets each with a bigger cheer than the last. Dizzee, wrapping his encore, shouts a thank-you and dashes offstage.
Some minutes later, waiting for transit outside the show, one concert-goer turns to another: “Did you like that?”
“Oh. Yeah! But probably more if I understood a single f---ing word

Trip pe marte V...Schimbari de comportament

Total haos cum si-au arso oamenii nostrii pe planta dubioasa, de la bad Karma la local combat pentru ultima bucata de ciocolata Rom, la a tipa in gura mare "Va iubesc toti!! si pe oamenii bursuci ce stau in SKA-MA si ii devoreaza tastatura...HAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!. Dar se pare ca nu tot ce zboara se mananca asa ca dupa ceva timp fugise toata serotonina din caputele lor plictisite de atat iuresh bagat.Ne uitam unii la ceilalti cu toata stima si regretul cu care ne-am si bagat in toata mizeria asta de "experiment"..Ce pot sa zic..Auto muia functiona pentru toti in proportii egale. Depresii si chestii totul ciudat si dubios. Se parea ca a disparut si ultima noastra sansa de a mai scapa de pe cacatu' asta de planeta idioata. Ne sictirisem total unu de celalalt. Ne mazgaleam, ne scuipam si ne uram. Vroiam sa comunicam total cu altcineva. Dar se pare ca Dumnezeu vede si pe partea asta a galaxiei si soarele ne zambea intr-un final...Sa va povestesc :D
Intr-o seara Drogy se plimba plictisita prin normal pentru deja nu se mai sinchisea sa isi caute pietre pentru experimente cand deodata aude ceva din spatele ei..Nu se intoarce pentru ca depresia sa ii spunea ca este doar in capul ei pentru ca nu este nici dracu pe planeta asta imputita. Dar totusi cu o ultima zvacnire de serotonina intoarce capul si obeserva o silueta sfrijita ce ii zambea patetic indreptand o sulita home made spre ea si scotand niste zgomote gen foca. Panicata Drogy se intoarce fugind spre restul distrusilor depresivi.
Drogy: Bah!!!!... SA moara mamaaaaa...NU SUNTEM SINGURI!!
Bleji: Hahahaha!!! Iar coaie vezi chestii??? Lasa-ne in pulea mea in pace cu faze dastea.
Drogy: Deci coaiee eu acum chiar vorbesc serios nu fi prost si mai taci in pula mea de prost ca tu ai inceput sa ti-oa arzi naspa cu dalea cu Coaieeee lasa ca murim de prosti ca se uita Ceausescu la noi..Muiee Bah!
Bleji: Bine coaiee hai arata-ne ce ai mai vazut acum.
Cu toti s-au indreptat intr-un total sictir spre zona unde aceasta vazuse chestia.
la locul faptei extraterestrul se juca cu sulita lui haioasa intr-un cacat si se amuza desenand ceva ce semana cu prietenul nostru Paul de pe Pamant.
Drogy: Uite pulaaaa futu-ti fata aia ca aveam dreptate!!
Ratza: Da bah!! Pula mea are dreptate om neom macar nu suntem singuri.
Si cu toti s-au apropiat de creatura aia fara nici o panica sau ceva zambind si sarind ca niste copii autisti.
Sarmana creatura nu avea nici o treaba, s-a intors spre ei si dupa ce si-a dres vocea exclama ironica:
Ce bah nu ati mai vazut un cacat? Uimire mare pe fata vostra ca ma joc in cacat nu?
Bleji: Coaie ce asta si dece vorbeste romaneste?
SKA: Eu zic sa il omoram ca e cam tzaran asa.
Drogy: Nu bah ca pare interesant..Dubios da pare de caternica

Si astfel fiind condusi de creatura dubioasa in pestera luminata violent de neoane albastre si verzui oamenii nostrii descopera o intreaga civilizatie ce se pare ca traia sub pamant.
Racoarea si mirosul dubios de Skunk dar si structura bizantina din care era construit orasul subteran parea a-i calma pe petreceretii nostrii.
SKA: Da bah! deci nooo way!! voi vedeti ce se intampla aici?
Si ce e cu muzica asta?
Raza: Bah nush dar pare foarte cunoscut da pula mea acum nush de unde cunosc astea..
Ahh....! Se numeste Cooh bah retardatilor dar voi de pe ce planeta veniti? Dupa Pamant?
Si un ras isteric bashinos cuprinde toata pestera..
Drogy: Cum adica? Pei si ce are daca suntem pamanteni? Pei da mah ca uite noi va trimitem de milioane de ani semne ca nu sunteti singuri si voi ni-l trimiteti pe Florin Salam si pe Elvis sa faca caterinca de noi...Deci da.. sunteti inapti coaie.
Dar fie acum ca a-ti dat de noi si sincer imi cam place de voi ca sunteti daia de se implica, va invit la un bong sacru si niste ciocolata de casa impreuna cu nevasta si cei doua sute de copii ai mei
SKA: OK! dar cu ce ocazie?
Cu ocazia zilei mele de nstere.
Drogy: Dar cati ani implinesti?
Nush ca imi fac ziua in fiecare zi!
Si iatai pe oamenii nostrii stand la sto vrajeala si depanand amintiri cu omuletii cu cap mare numiti din cate se pare CAH
CAh-ii traiau in propia mizerie si se amuzau de alte civilizatii trimitand-ule oalele lor cu fecale pe care noi teranii le-am numit O.Z.N
Si au stat de vorba despre rude, despre animale si despre muzica electronica pentru ca se pare ca Jean Michelle Jarre era unu de-al lor.
Timp de cateva zile totul a fost ok. Mancare din belsug si amuzament la bongul sacru in forma de falus numit de ei Ilashku.
Dar brusc a patra zii toti cah-ii se comportau dubios. Erau hate-ri si irascibili dar si morocanosi si pamfletari.
Draogy: Cred ca ceva nu este in ordine. Voi nu vedeti nimik?
SKA: Ba da! Vad ca unu dintre cahi mi-a bagat in prezervatin in gaurile de ventilatie ale procesorului, si ca Bleji este machiat haotic si lipit de tavan cu o mazga verde cu o pancarda atasata de pula pe care scrie Now Cocoon..what's next?
Drogy: Eu zic sa ii intrebam ce se intampla.
SKA: hai la sefu lor ca ala stie clar
Seful lor numit oligrofenuscuburtus sau cum ii spuneau copii lui OCB le-a spus direct: Nu e panica! Suntem toti la ciclu asa ca va sfatuiesc cateva zile sa va adapostiti ca putem reactiona dubios si iresponsabil..Ilasku zeul nostru ne-a blestemat sa ramanem fara vitaminele A, B,E si T, H,C asa ca nu va obositi sa va explicati ce se petrece si va zic de acum ca Xbox-ul din SKA este modat si va puteti juca pana ne trece noua otrava

sambata ;)

asha, dupa borgore sa ne mai animalizam un pic :D
15 ron biletu' io zic ca'i combinatie :))

200 weed trees blowing in the breeze :D ahhhh


"Totul" se rezuma la imaginea pe care o ai tu despre....tine. Pare incontrolabil, te vezi cum te simti. Paranoicii si panicatii vor fi intodeauna complexati.
In ce ne oglindim? In alti oameni, iar reactiile lor la faptele noastre este reflexia.
Nu stiu daca e o idee buna se ne ferim de oamenii prin care ne vedem urati, prosti, fraieri...poate asta'i adevarul. Dar macar pune in pe celalt taler al balantei oamenii prin care te vezi frumos si destept, si vezi in ce parte se inclina. Eventual incearca sa sa nu'ti pese atat de mult :D